Star Wars Read-A-Like

Happy May the Fourth, nerds! To celebrate this nerdiest of days, I wanted to share some novels with some Star Wars vibes. This goes without saying, there are plenty of Star Wars books and graphic novels out there. The old extended universe and novelisations of recent movies are widely available. However, that felt too easy just to... Continue Reading →

Genshin Impact Read-A-Like

Ad Astra Abyssosque, travellers! As I have mentioned before, I am obsessed with Genshin Impact. I love the gameplay, characters and lore. To such a degree that I have started to seek out books with similar vibes. No, not the in-universe lore books (although I love finding new ones) but novels at my local library and favourite... Continue Reading →

Stranger Things Read-A-Like

I am still recovering from Season 4 of Stranger Things. That ending, ouch.  I might be a bit late since it stopped airing a while ago but I needed time to heal. Yeah, still not 100% there, but the show must go on. My goto curse for a broken heart? Reading to fill the void.  So,... Continue Reading →

Friday the 13th Read-A-Like

I am so excited about tomorrow! It's Friday the 13th! I know that tomorrow is considered an unlucky day, but I tend to have a lot of good luck. That, and as a diehard fan of the Friday the 13th horror franchise, it's a great excuse to binge-watch the films.  For this Read-A-Like, I focused on horror... Continue Reading →

Psychonauts Read-A-Like

To honour the release of Psychonauts 2, I thought it would be fun to recommend some mental stories. I tried my best to find books with that Psychonauts vibes we love so much. Stories about the power of our minds, about psychic abilities and a little pinch of mania. I think I achieved my goal with these four... Continue Reading →

Ace Attorney Read-A-Like

To celebrate the upcoming release of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, I thought it would be fun to give some great books their day in court. There are a surprising about of legal thrillers out there, so I narrowed it down to four that have some of the elements we love about the Ace Attorney games. Hopefully, you will... Continue Reading →

Resident Evil Read-A-Like

Books and video games, two of my favourite things. Why not combine them? This is the start of a new series, Read-A-Like where I give book recommendations based on video games. Not exactly original, I know but again, this combines two of my passions so why not? Since folk are loving the latest Resident Evil game, I... Continue Reading →

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